Friday, April 13, 2012

Todd's 2009 tour highlights

1. Show at Dumont (Aachen, Germany). Great audience, great club, totally mad hang after the gig, great people. Thanks Armin, Skip, Chrit and everyone else!

2. Show at Sazz'n Jazz - another beautiful venue and great audience.

3. Frites with peppersaus (mayonnaise with a ton of black pepper) while killing time jetlagged in Haarlem waiting for our hotel room to be ready.

4. Blasting "Immigrant Song" while driving into Aachen, Germany.

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5. Surviving insane Paris traffic- including a foray into the insane 6e arrondissement, and hair-raising roundabouts in general.

6. Having the weak dollar work in our favor for once.

7. Notre Dame gargoyles

8. My Waterloo bullet.

9. Now that I think about it, all of the audiences were great- some were bigger than others, but the people were pretty uniformly great:
- Roman and friend, the Milanese and Dutch groups, and the guy who watched the door for us @ Tennessee Bar
- the older gentleman making weeping gestures during "Je Suis Venu Te Dire...", and the couple who was ready to demonstrate "La Decadanse" @ Sazz'n Jazz
- the cool surdo player with the "eye" jacket at Buster
- Markus (friend of Skip and Armin from Aachen), Emmanuele and the young couple @ Les Cariatides.

10. The people at the clubs were uniformly great- Kristof @ Bar Deco, Armin @ Dumont, Sifal @ Le Bab-ilo, Ali @ Sazz'n Jazz, and all the rest. Also the bartenders- most notably Skip @ Dumont, Bruno @ Les Cariatides, someone who's name I didn't get @ Tennessee Bar and Le Bab-ilo.

11. Drinking a whole lot of amazing wine with our Belgium hosts, Frank and wife (dammit, her name escapes me at the moment!)

12. Seeing my old friend from USC, Manuel Hermia, at his CD release in Brussels.

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